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Minutes and Newsletters   --  Please note that this is a work in progress, we will continue to archive. Click on the date to open a pdf document.

Weekly Bulletins


Weekly Bulletins (also known as "Rooster Call") are published following each weekly Friday meeting. The first meeting of each month is a club business meeting.  All other Fridays have a small business portion and feature an invited speaker from the community.  Members learn about a variety of local business and charitable organizations, volunteer opportunities, events in the community, or personal topics of interest. These meetings are a great way to connect with Platteville and the Grant County area.  To access bulletins, click on the year below where they are listed by date and name of invited speaker plus their topic. 




View Archived Weekly Meeting Bulletins: 2019 / 2018 / 2017 / 20162015 2014

Newsletters (Rooster Call - Second Time Around)



Newsletters (also known as "Rooster Call - Second Time Around") are published Quarterly.  These include an update by the club's president, a summary of past club events and information about upcoming club events, a listing of club member 'memorable moments' (birthdays, anniversaries, births), and other items of interest to members

December 2019

September 2019

June 2019

                                 March 2019

December 2018

September 2018

June 2018

March 2018

December 2017

September 2017

June 2017

March 2017

December 2016

September 2016

June 2016

March 2016

December 2015

September 2015

June 2015

March 2015

December 2014

September 2014

June 2014

March 2014

December 2013

September 2013

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